Contrails of memories from the plane of life
The majestic green of the forested hills, the dull blue of the sea
that stretched to the horizon, and the glowing white-red palettes of
short buildings basked in the setting sun. Such was the eye candy of the
suburbs of western Izmir. Even then, the white cotton fluffs
above me captured the two windows to my heart, floating gently
amongst the sea of the sky, an expanse of greyish blue as its earthly
counterpart. No matter how beautifully the earth was created, I've
always enjoyed looking up at the heavens, which softly remind my soul of
the vast possibilities in life.
Then, it appeared. A mere
speck from here, a plane flying just above the cloud level. And what
intrigued me were its contrails- those little lines of clouds didn't
paint the sky for long like I'd often seen. Rather, like the trail of
light from a moving sparkler firework, the contrails vanished not far
behind the plane.
Recently a long-time friend talked to me
about a shared memory from three years ago, but I could only humbly
admit I'd forgotten what he was talking about. Important facts and
figures still stuck in my mind, but not snippets of my daily life nor my
feelings during the past. Perhaps I'd been dealing with problems too
often nowadays. Or maybe this is a Divine Sign to memorize more of the
Quran? Or is it... normal at this age? In any case, the contrails that
are my memories seemed to be rather short. Is that a bad thing?
the plane flew north, its left side lighted up by the orange glow of
the setting sun, it occurred to me that plane had a destination. Just
like our lives. Then, would we not reach our destination of the
Hereafter better without warm memories tying us to this world?
Forgetting the past means being unattached to it, and the past is
nothing but of this world.
Especially as a student living
far away from family and old friends, being over-attached to my happy
times I spent with them makes it harder to fulfill my objective here.
Perhaps it would be best if I totally forgot all the feelings from my
past, reducing my memories to nothing more than a photo album or diary,
rather than experiences lived and felt. I know it sounds rather cold,
but anyone who has lived away from their family and home for years can
understand the pain of double nostalgia and homesickness, and thus
sympathize with shortening the contrails of their memories.
I'm willing to accept whatever Allah has put in store for my mind's
store. He knows and will do what is best for me after all. However, if
there is one thing we should never forget, it is that this world is
temporary, a fleeting dream compared to the everlasting one that follows
Thinking this, I smiled as I watched the speck and
its white tails disappear into the horizon, knowing wherever it was
going, it would land at an airport. And as I turned my eyes away from
the darkening sky, I knew wherever my life went, I would definitely meet
with death.
Make that two things not to forget.
Quite romantic and sentimental.