Ojek & Tawakkul

Ojek. The Indonesian term for "motorcycle taxis". Now upgraded to "ojek online". Download an app, press a button, and your two-wheeled taxi is here to take you anywhere you wish!

One of the more subtle benefits is being able to relax on the road. Driving a motorcycle is physically and mentally straining, having to constantly scan the road and manuever through traffic. On an ojek, I only have to not fall off. I even close my eyes frequently, limiting my awareness and trusting the driver to do his job. In any case, he's in complete control of the vehicle I'm on, so no use scanning the road as if I were driving. Thus, I do not get tired on the road, which helps me to be healthy and productive.

Now, why do we not trust our lives to Allah?

Most stressed people are worried about what they can't control. They think of the negative possibilities that could result, even when they can't do anything. But is it not better to have faith that our Most Generous Lord has planned the best for us? That He will prevent the worst possibilities or turn them in our favor?

I will illustrate tawakkul with an experience of mine. I was waiting at the airport in Qatar for my Turkey-Indonesia flight, but it had been rescheduled and I wasn't aware. So I awoke to find I'd been stranded in a third country. I thought my only choice was buying an expensive new flight, perhaps after waiting a few days. But it turns out the airline gave me a seat on a plane to the same destination a few hours later. They even paid me for missing the previous flight, which was too full and thus the passengers who couldn't board were compensated. A seemingly horrible situation turned into a serendipity.

This is not to say we should be idle. Even as an ojek passenger, I have to be alert enough to balance myself and not fall off, especially during turns. When I realized I'd missed my flight, I went to the airline desk ASAP and figured out how to buy a new ticket just in case. Planning and preparation to the best of our ability is necessary. It is also important to worship and avoid sin to the best of our abilities, for Allah takes care of His servants who take care of His Commands.

Nonetheless, we have to mentally let go of what we can't control. We will be happier and accomplish more by focusing on doing what we can. If we can trust lowly paid drivers to safely guide us to our destination, isn't Allah the Exalted worthy of our trust regarding our life path?
