It's Not a Major Sin
Short article inspired by Omar Sulayman, a recent friday khutbah, and a friend.
Don't think about the size of the sin. Think about the One who you're disobeying.
Allah always observes you. How dare you do in front of Him what you'd be ashamed to reveal to others? Is your Lord the lowest of your observers?
How dare you disobey the One who gave you the hands and eyes you sin with? Are you not grateful? Are you not afraid He will take your life right now and punish you with a torment you can't even imagine?
As humans, it's expected to slip up and indulge in sin occasionally. Maybe even frequently. But we must regret sinning everytime we do so. The sin must cause pain in your soul.
Allah can forgive serial murderers if they repent. But your "minor sin" may cause eternal torment for you if you do not regret it.
The video I based most of this article on:
The video I based most of this article on:
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